Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yeast Kugelhopf / Raisin Almond Cake / 咕咕霍夫提子包

Kugelhopf. Gugelhupf. Kugelhoff. Guglhupf. Kuglhupf. Gugelhopf. Kuglof. Kuelhopf. "Kugel" means "ball," in German. This is a traditional German sweet, dense, and rich yeasted cake, which is filled with raisins, fruits and nuts, goes well with expresso or a cup of hot Chinese Puer tea.

  • 100 g Butter
  • 200 g All-purpose flour
  • 30 g Sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 50 ml Milk
  • 20 g Fresh yeast
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 drop Lemon extract
  • 2 drop Rum extract
  • 100 g Raisins
  • 75 g Almond, chopped
  • Icing sugar to dust

  • 100克 牛油
  • 200克 中筋粉
  • 30克 砂糖
  • 1/4小勺 食盐
  • 50毫升 牛奶
  • 20克 鲜酵母
  • 1个 鸡蛋
  • 2滴 柠檬香精
  • 2滴 朗姆酒香精
  • 100克 提子
  • 75克 杏仁碎
  • 适量 糖粉

  1. Grease a 6 or 7-inch Gugelhupf mould and dust lightly with a little of the flour, set aside.
  2. Place first 9 ingredients in a mixing bowl. Mix with dough hook until the mixture leaves the sides of the bowl clean.

  3. Cover the dough with a plastic wrapper or a damp towel and let rest for about 30 minutes. Then mix in the raisins and chopped almonds. Roll the dough into a rope and place it into the form. Pinch two ends together.
  4. Leave to rise in a warm place until the mixture almost reaches the top of the tin. Bake in a preheated 175C/350F oven for about 35-45 minutes until firm to the touch. Leave to cool for 20 minutes, then carefully turn out on a wire rack. Dust with icing sugar.

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