Sunday, February 1, 2009

Snow-flakes Fish Curds

  • 125 g Fish fillet

  • 2 Egg whites

  • 150-200 ml Water

  • 5 g Salt

  • 10 g Ginger squeeze

  • 30 g Starchy solution

  • 10 g Chicken oil
  • Salad oil

  • 15 g Dried mushrooms, soaked and chopped

  • Lettuce shreds

  • A few slices of carrots

  • 100 g Stock

  • 5 g Jiafan rice wine

  • Chicken bouillon and salt to taste
  1. Mash the fish fillet and dissolve it with some water. The quantity of water depends on the texture of fish, at about 150-200 ml.

  2. Season with the salt and stir constantly until thick and smooth. Then add in ginger squeeze, starchy solution, egg whites and chicken oil to get the fish mixture.

  3. Place a wok over the low-middle heat and add in enough salad oil. Using a tablespoon to scoop the fish mixture into the heated oil. Take out as soon as the fish has shaped. Rinse them with a bowl of boiled water to get rid of extra oil.

  4. Place the stock in a skillet, together with rice wine, chicken bouillon and salt. Bring it to a boil. Thicken with a little starchy solution. Add in mushrooms, carrot slices and lettuce. Return the fish and stir briefly. Serve immediately.

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