Thursday, March 25, 2010

How not to deep fry squid

I bought myself some squid yesterday in order to try out a barbequed squid recipe thing that I found in a magazine. But after 2 back to back episodes of Glee, with all that cheerleading and all-American razzmatazz, I was far more in the mood for deep-fried squid.

So I took to Nigella Bites, which has a salt-and-pepper squid recipe in there that I've always thought looked mega-delicious.

But it was GROSS. I did sort of wonder about the non-inclusion of breadcrumbs in this. The squid is just coated in cornflower and deep fried like that. And it was sort of gacky and sticky and really quite horrible.

Nigella's recipes often not working seems to be kind of an accepted thing these days. I can't quite believe it, as I'm such a fan and all her recipes LOOK so fun and interesting. Occasionally they are bang on and introduce me to things I'd never have known about if I hadn't read them in her book (here, I'm mostly thinking of how to do proper American pancakes, ceviche and no-churn ice-cream). But BURLAGH! that squid was horrible. It's only testament to how much white wine I'd glugged down in the previous two hours (when Giles is away I have to drink myself unconscious or I can't sleep) that I actually ate all the little buggers.

Anyway, I'm about taste this wretched chocolate cake of hers I made yesterday and if it's horrid I will be SO disappointed. Although it's not like I wasn't warned.

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