Sunday, July 24, 2011

Radish Salad with Radicchio and Garden Cress | © 2011 |
 | © 2011 |

A crispy, juicy, and sweet radish salad with white radish, radicchio, garden cress and a simple vinaigrette.

White radish, also known as daikon, is moderately high in Vitamin C, and contain dietary fiber which is important to help keep your body's digestive system functioning smoothly. According to "Traditional Chinese Medicine", white radish is sweet in taste and cool in nature. It aids to clear away heat in the body effectively and promote the digestion.

It is also used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, mineral deficiencies, and liver and gallbladder troubles.

While white radishes can be eaten cooked, such stir-fried or in soup, they are very delicious in raw form and juiced. If you are interested in learning more about this humble root vegetable, read more here.

Recipe adapted from Essen und Trinken

  • 200 g Large white radish
  • 1 small head Radicchio
  • 1 handful Garden cress
  • 2 tbsp White wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp Argan or vegetable oil
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp Crushed red peppercorns | © 2011 |

  1. Peel the radish and slice it into thin disks or half-moons. Try using a mandolin slicer if you have one, for even thin slices. Finely shred the radicchio.
  2. Whisk the white wine vinegar with the oil, sugar, and salt. Arrange the radish, radicchio and garden cress on a serving dish. Drizzle the dressing over and sprinkle with the crushed red peppercorns. | © 2011 |

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