Monday, July 9, 2007

Chinese Steamed Buns With Old Dough / 呛面馒头

  • 110克 老面
  • 200毫升 温水
  • 400克 中筋粉
  • 1克 干酵母
  • 1/3小勺 食盐
  • 1大勺 沙拉油
  • 1/2小勺 小苏打
  • 另备手粉

  • 110 g Old dough

  • 200 ml Warm water
  • 400 g All-purpose flour
  • 1 g Active dry yeast
  • 1/3 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Salad oil
  • 1/2 tsp Baking soda
  • Some extra flour for kneading

  1. 面粉混合干酵母放入容器,老面掰小块和食盐,沙拉油以及水加入后拌成团,盖上保鲜膜,静置发面3-4小时。取出放到洒了面粉的案台上。排除气体,均匀洒入小苏打揉搓成长条状,匀分成12-14块小面团。
    Combine AP flour and yeast in a mixing bowl. Mix in old dough in smaller pieces, salt and oil. Knead until the dough is soft and elastic. Cover with a plastic wrap and proof at room temperature for about 3-4 hours. Place the dough on a floured board and evenly sprinkle the baking soda over. Knead and shape the dough into a loaf. Divide the loaf into 12-14 pieces.
  2. 小面块上洒上面粉,用手掌将其稍按扁,一手将面块边缘折起,另一手配合向内按下。重复这个步骤直到边缘缩小,底部稍圆,用右手虎口将边缘捏紧,放到案板上。依法擀捏其余面块。盖上保鲜膜,醒发直到双倍大后,重复面团的揉捏。
    Dust each small dough with some flour and lightly press them flat. Fold the side of the dough up with left hand, meanwhile press the upper edge down with your right hand. Repeat this step until you get the shorter edge and slightly round bottom. Pinch them together between the thumb and the index finger of your right hand. Place them on the board and let rise covered until doubled. Repeat the step of folding and pressing.
  3. 放入蒸笼,盖上保鲜膜,进行蒸制前的最后醒发,约25分钟。注意面团在这个擀制过程中都要用面粉,每个面块大约需要再揉入15克左右的干面粉。这样蒸好的馒头,组织带有层次且很均匀。最后醒发时间不要过长,否则馒头过于膨胀蓬松,少了北方馒头的那份筋道。去掉保鲜膜,盖上蒸盖,中火蒸约20分钟。
    Place the dough balls in a steamer and process the final proof for about 25 minutes. Use the flour during the whole shaping process. Each small dough needs about 15 extra grams of flour to finish the kneading. So that the texture of the steamed buns would appear thick and with clear layers. To obtain a chewy-textured bun, long proofing time at the final stage should always be avoided. Take away the plastic wrap and steam for 20 minutes over medium heat with a lid covered.

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