Monday, September 29, 2008

Chrysanthemum-shaped Eggplant

  1. Destem, rinse and peel the eggplant. Cut into 4cm high chunks and cut the surface crosswise. Sprinkle the eggplants with a bit of salt. Thoroughly coat the eggplants with cornstarch, shaking to remove any excess starch.

  2. Heat up a frying pan with enough oil until very hot. Low down the prepared eggplants fry until golden. Drain and plate.
  3. Leave a bit of oil in the same pan and heat up. Add in ginger, garlic and chili sauce. Stir briefly and add in stock, salt, chicken bouillon. Bring to boil and thicken with starchy solution. Lightly pour over the fried eggplants and serve hot.

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